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About Harriton TV

What is Harriton TV?

Harriton TV is a student-run and organized news outlet committed to giving young individuals the opportunity to gain exposure and mastery to the art of journalism by engaging in important community, local and school issues. Harriton Alumni Ricky Sayer founded Harriton TV in 2015 with the purpose of creating an independent journalistic organization in order to facilitate unfettered dialogue about awareness of crucial issues.

Our Club

Our club meets every Monday. Our club advisor is Mr. Michael Tudor and our Technical advisor is Mr. Todd Curyto.

Our Website

This website is a web platform for articles and media written, created and published by members of Harriton TV or otherwise. This website was created in December 2018 by Sam Catania.

The Ram Report

The Ram Report is Harriton TV’s bi-monthly show, broadcasted on the HHS-TV network during Advisory sets on A days. The Ram Reports contains a variety of segments produced by members, including sports coverage, local and school events, and community based entertainment. Past episodes of the Ram Report are available to watch on YouTube here.

Our Officers

We couldn’t inform the community without a dedicated group of individuals! Click each person’s name to see the stories they have written.

Sam Ferenchick

Officer & Head of News

Andrew Dieu

Officer & Head of Production

Dylan DiMartino

Officer & Head of Engineering


This website is technically not a technical part of Harriton TV in any way, shape or form, and is an independent platform strictly for the creation of media by individuals who may be part of Harriton TV. Lower Merion School District, Harriton High School, Lower Merion School Board, Mr. Weinstein, Mr. Tudor do not endorse, associate themselves, or hereby express their views, opinions or otherwise through this platform.

Founded in September of 2015.

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