A senior Harriton Faculty member told Harriton TV that 2019’s first Senior Skip Day was a ‘success,’ and confirmed that at least half of the grade skipped school. Harriton TV estimates that over two-thirds of the senior class skipped on the ‘skip day,’ which took place on November 1st, 2019.
The November ‘Senior Skip Day’ marked the continuation of a widespread high school tradition that spans across the country. According to Caltech, there is no uniform standard for senior skip day and it is typically not endorsed by the students’ school.
“I think that [we chose] a good day especially because of college stuff” said one Harriton student in the Senior Class Facebook group, referring to the November 1st early deadline chosen by many colleges.
Students told Harriton TV the collective effort was important to ensuring the ‘success’ of the day. “We would tell teachers not to schedule tests or quizzes because no one was going to be in school,” said one Harriton senior.
For the seniors who did choose to attend school, there wasn’t much to do. Power was out at Harriton that day from a late-night Halloween storm, although WiFi was still functional. One teacher, anticipating the skip, had planned to play Mario Kart on the projector with his class. He was disappointed to have his plans thwarted, according to students who attended school.
Overall, most twelfth-graders were excited to take the day off. In the words of one stressed-out senior, “we deserve it!”